
Az Ericsson a Bluetooth technológián alapuló “Hot Spot Services” szolgáltatást teszteli Japánban

Az Ericsson bejelentette, hogy nyilvánosan tesztelik Japánban a Bluetooth "Hot Spot Services" szolgáltatást.

A “Hot Spot Service” szolgáltatás az Ericsson Bluetooth Local Infotainment Point (BLIP) megoldásán alapul. A projekt a Nippon Ericsson K.K., a Marubeni Corporation és a Handspring, K.K. együttműködése nyomán valósult meg.
A programban résztvevő cégek azzal a céllal kezdtek együttműködést, hogy ezt a forradalmian új technológiát a gyakorlatban is kipróbálják. Köszönhetően annak, hogy a Bluetooth megoldás bárki által felhasználható és továbbfejleszthető, a technológia újabb fogyasztói és üzleti felhasználásait keresik.
A tesztelés helyszínein, így bizonyos kávézókban és vasúti járatokon a tesztelésben résztvevő személyek Bluetooth eszközzel felszerelt számítógépükkel az adott helyhez kötődő hasznos információhoz juthat. A felhasználók például mozgóképeket tölthetnek le vagy az internethez csatlakozhatnak a Bluetooth hálózatán.
A megoldás során Bluetooth eszközzel rendelkező kézi-számítógépet, BLIP-et, és az Internethez illetve adatközpontokhoz csatlakozó helyi szervereket alkalmaznak. Ezeket nagyrészt a Bluetooth együttműködés tagjai illetve a CASIO Computer Co., Ltd., Compaq Computer K.K., Hewlett-Packard Japan Ltd, az ILINX, Inc. National Semiconductor Wireless Solutions Sweden AB és a Sony Communication Network Corporation (SCN) szolgáltatja.

Ericsson Magyarország
Liptay Gabriella
Kommunikációs Igazgató
Tel.: (+36 1) 437 7134,


Ericsson conducts Japan’s first “hot spot service” trials using BluetoothTM wireless technology, in partnership with leading global companies.
Ericsson announced today that they will conduct the first public trial of the company’s Bluetooth “Hot Spot Services” throughout Japan. The “Hot Spot Service” is based on Ericsson’s Bluetooth Local Infotainment Point (BLIP). The project has been made possible by a partnership between Nippon Ericsson K.K., Marubeni Corporation, and Handspring, K.K.
This team has come together with the purpose of developing and evaluating real-world usage’s of this breakthrough technology. Leveraging the open development environment, encouraged by the Bluetooth community, they will seek opportunities for both consumer and business applications.
“As an increasing number of handheld devices are equipped with Bluetooth as a standard feature, Ericsson believes that public trials will be a catalyst in attracting potential partners,” said Morgan Bengtsson, President, Nippon Ericsson K.K. “Ultimately partnership like this will revolutionise the way that content providers utilise BLIP concept. Ericsson will continue to play a role in the growth of Bluetooth on a global basis.”
In the trials, equipped with Bluetooth-ready handheld computers or PCs, visitors at the testing sites and passengers in the train will be able to gain location-based useful information with the push technology. Users will have access to attractive contents such as streaming video and the Internet via Bluetooth network. Test locations include the Marunouchi Café in Marunouchi Business district, in cooperation with Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd, the So-net Café in Odaiba ([“www.” so-net/café]) by Sony Communication Network Corporation, Sofmap computer retail store in Akihabara and the Hikari Rail-Star bullet train operated by JR West through July to the end of year. All companies involved are expected to select and invite trial participants to experience these trials.
“We see the vast implications for the “Hot Spot Service” and believe that it represents one of the most potential solution for the service providers and the location partners wishing communicate with the end-users more cost-effectively and attractively,” said Sadashi Iida, Director, Chief Operating Officer, IT Business Div., Marubeni Corporation. “We will be exploring opportunities in system integration and consulting as this program grows.”
The solution used for the trials, composed of Bluetooth-ready handheld computers, BLIP, and local servers, connecting to Internet and data centers, was mainly developed by Bluetooth partnership members with the cooperation of CASIO Computer Co., Ltd., Compaq Computer K.K., Hewlett-Packard Japan Ltd, and ILINX, Inc. National Semiconductor Wireless Solutions Sweden AB and Sony Communication Network Corporation (SCN) who provides So-net Channel contents to the Partnership Project.
Ericsson is shaping the future of Mobile and Broadband Internet communications through its continuous technology leadership. Providing innovative solutions in more than 140 countries, Ericsson is helping to create the most powerful communication companies in the world.
Kyoko Taka, Press Officer, Nippon Ericsson K.K.
Phone ; +81 3 3830 2618 E-mail;

Hiroshi Suzuki, Director New Account Division, Nippon Ericsson K.K.
Phone; +81 3 3830 2590 E-mail;

The BLUETOOTH trademarks are owned by their proprietor and used by Ericsson under license.

About Marubeni Corporation
Marubeni Corporation is one of Japan’s leading general trading houses (sogo shosha), and working on various IT businesses, such as network construction and operation, CATV operation, sales of mobile phone and computer hardware/software, contents production and distribution, that respond to the integration of broadcasting, telecommunications and computers. More information about Marubeni may be found at

About Handspring Inc.
Handspring Inc. is a leading innovator in the handheld computing industry. The company develops manufactures and markets the Visor family of expandable handheld computers for a broad range of market sand customers. Handspring K.K. is located in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan. For more information, please visit or

About Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd
Mitsubishi Estate Group is a comprehensive real estate developer whose consolidated business includes building leasing, residential development and sales, and architecture, as well as real estate brokerage and hotels. Mitsubishi Estate’s redevelopment of the “Marunouchi” district, Japan’s premier business center, is a major project. More information about Mitsubishi Estate Group may be found at

About West Japan Railway Company
West Japan Railway Company
(JR-West) was established in April 1987 as a private Railway Company serving the west of Japan. It is the nation’s second largest railway company, with 5,078 kilometres of passenger line network, which serves 5 million passengers daily. In addition to its railway
business – Urban Network of commuter lines serving the Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe Metropolitan area, intercity lines focusing on the Sanyo Shinkansen, and local lines — JR-West has added affiliated businesses to its core product

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