The Hungarian Parliament’s group of Hungaro-Russian friendship quietly ceased to exist after the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian war, as it was not formed again in 2022 at the start of the new parliamentary cycle. However, unlike in the previous cycle, there is now a Hungaro-Ukrainian friendship group chaired by a Fidesz politician banned from Ukraine. But not even the inaugural meeting has been convened as of yet.
In 2021, the District II municipality put up a unique property on Józsefhegyi Street for auction at a starting price of 718.5 million HUF. In the first round of bidding, a company won with an offer of 1.5 billion HUF but eventually withdrew its intention to sign the contract, thereby forfeiting the already paid 71.85 million Forints in earnest money. In the second round, Antal Rogán’s circle entered the picture and acquired the property with an offer 600 million HUF lower than that of the first round’s victor. Mayor Gergely Őrsi finds the circumstances rather strange but adds that selling municipal property cannot be more transparent than this.
A budai panorámás ingatlanért az első fordulós liciten egy másfél milliárd forintos ajánlat érkezett, de a nyertes cég végül visszavonta szerződéskötési szándékát. A második körben aztán megérkezett Rogán Antal köre, és 600 millió forinttal kisebb ajánlattal megszerezte az ingatlant.