
Bulgaria seeks to impose high taxes on the Russian gas transit to Hungary and Serbia, a move that both the Serbian and Hungarian governments declared to be hostile. It is symbolical that the joint Serbian-Hungarian statement was issued during Viktor Orbán’s and Aleksandar Vučić’s Beijing trip, amidst negotiations with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Hungary is increasingly isolated within the EU, while government-affiliated newspaper Magyar Nemzet suspects Washington’s involvement in the Bulgarian move.

The Hungarian minority in Slovakia remains unrepresented in the Slovak legislature. While Szövetség („Alliance”) achieved better results than expected, it still couldn’t reach the necessary five per cent threshold for entering parliament, while the other two Hungarian parties were essentially annihilated. We have evaluated the reasons for the electoral failure and the future of ethnic politics.

2023. 10. 18. 12:32

Majority state-owned Garantiqua Credit Guarantee Plc. had agreed on providing a 135 million forint on-demand guarantee on a loan for the company, now under liquidation due to 90 million HUF in overdue tax arrears. Garantiqua refuses to share whether taxpayers will have to cover Top Hygiene’s insolvency, citing banking secrecy.

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