
South Korean company Bumchun had received several billion forints in state support for job creation. The firm since decided to part with several dozen leased employees, most of them being Hungarians – with the intention of employing Vietnamese workers in their stead. Reaching out to, the firm claimed to still go above and beyond when it comes to their job creation commitments 

2024. 02. 07. 11:41

Petty drama or a major confrontation with serious economic consequences? György Matolcsy, president of the national bank, minister of finance Mihály Varga and economy minister Márton Nagy have a personal felud over economic policy. The distribution of roles was done by the Prime Minister; and apparently while it’s Márton Nagy who holds the power to make the big decisions, it’s the other two who are left with the task of handling the consequences, albeit without the means to do so

2024. 03. 14. 10:52

A more senior, respectable politician with a distinguished professional career, a “safety option”, may be nominated by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to succeed resigning President Katalin Novák, according to our source within governmental circles. This potential candidate might be someone with no individual ambitions, one who would not want to “play the influencer”. László Trócsányi has been mentioned as a possible nominee. One thing is certain: Fidesz had to pay a serious price; in a single day, the governing party lost both its prominent female politicians long in the making. To make things worse for Fidesz, the resigning President was one of Fidesz’s more Western-oriented figures as per her designated role – the government may find it difficult to quickly replace such a loss.

Donald Trump választói bázisának fontos részét alkotják az evangéliumi keresztény mozgalmak, de közülük is kiemelkedik az Új Apostoli Reformáció, amelynek rohamosan növekvő követői (spirituális) hadviselésre és közéleti hatalomátvételre buzdítanak, miközben a legvadabb összeesküvés-elméletekre is fogékonyak.

It was not general practitioners’ refusal to sign the contract that turned the transformation of the medical duty system into a scandal, but the resistance of local residents, as they were very much satisfied with the old, well-functioning system. Now the village of Tahitótfalu and its surroundings have joined forces to prevent the transfer of the Tahitótfalu medical duty service site – which had been providing service to seven municipalities – to Szentendre. The local GP believes that reforming the duty system is indeed necessary, but the current restructuring represents a significant setback in healthcare in many places, including Tahitótfalu.

2024. 02. 12. 11:30
Olvasói sztorik