Nyelvlabor: Angol
A Quotation from Eleanor Roosevelt (American diplomat and reformer)
2008. 12. 30. 11:09
A ’sick’ és az ’ill’ szavakat gyakran összekeverik az angolul tanulók.
2008. 12. 29. 10:30
1 January, 2009. 19:00 and 22:00
Palace of Arts; Bartók Béla National Concert Hall
2008. 12. 26. 11:00
The owner of the New York Times, the Boston Globe and the International Herald Tribune, The New York Times Company, plans to take out a $225 million mortgage loan on its Manhattan headquarters or to implement a sell and leaseback construction on the property to ease its financial troubles.
2008. 12. 25. 10:00
A quotation by Benjamin Franklin (American author, diplomat, inventor, physicist, politician & printer)
2008. 12. 23. 10:47
Bizonyos esetekben van, máskor nem annyira nagy a különbség.
2008. 12. 22. 15:46
Budapest, 23 December 2008, 19:00
Centrál Színház (the late Vidám Színpad), Kisszínpad
2008. 12. 19. 10:37
Gordon Brown Brit MP visited Baghdad without previous notice and met Nouri al-Maliki, PM of Iraq, and they issued a joint announcement that the British troops leaving Iraq by the end of July 2009.
2008. 12. 18. 11:16
A Quotation by Oscar Wilde (British author)
2008. 12. 16. 10:43
Erre két külön kifejezés van az angolban.
2008. 12. 15. 11:11
Budapest, 18 December, 2008, 19:00
Centrál Színház (the late Vidám Színpad)
2008. 12. 11. 16:45
The US government reached an agreement in principle about the USD 150 million rescue package for the three leading American car producers, General Motors, Ford and Chrysler.
2008. 12. 11. 14:37
A Quotation from Oscar Wilde, British author
2008. 12. 09. 10:50
A broad és a wide szót gyakran összekeverik az angol nyelvet tanuló hallgatók. Hogy ez ne történjen meg, az alábbi kis összefoglaló segíthet.
2008. 12. 08. 10:02
According to the 500-year old tradition, the new parliamentary session in Great Britain started with the speech of Queen Elisabeth II, in which the Queen set forth the tasks of the government.
2008. 12. 04. 11:27
Three men die and appear before the gates of heaven where an angel attends to them.
2008. 12. 04. 09:41
As a side-effect of ongoing globalisation, we can see Santas all over the world around Christmas – even in countries where Santa traditionally doesn’t even bring gifts at Christmas, leaving that task to the holiday’s real hero, the baby Jesus.
2008. 12. 03. 10:21
Making small talk with strangers often fills us with dread, though we all know how important it is to get acquainted with our partners before we get round to doing business with each other. Small talk is meant to find something in common, to find a common ground for future co-operation.
2008. 12. 02. 08:57