This time it is the CV (Curriculum Vitae) that is concerned: applying for a job starts with a well-written one, and this is mainly the American-style ‘CV’, i.e. resume. It should be kept in mind that HR people have no more than a minute or two to read through it. Therefore we have to set up a temporary objective of what we want to achieve with our resume and highlight the corresponding skills, achievements and qualifications only – certainly accompanied by one or two well-formed sentences to support them.
Financial Advisor Resume Template
Chas Tyler
1349 Houston Avenue
Smalltown, TX 52320
(925) 555-5689
Position as financial or investment advisor with a leading investment firm, specializing in the management of large corporate assets.
CFP, 199
NASD 6 & 7
Financial Advisor, 1997 – Present
TOP Consultants, Smalltown, TX
Managed a six-figure diversified portfolio that has experienced at least 20% annual growth over the course of five years. Conducted company research and analyzed profiles, identifying a number of start-ups that have yielded significant returns. Monitored account activity online.
Investment Analyst, 1990 – 1996
Brickstone Alliances, Houston, TX
Prepared investment analyses for clients, including several with more than $400M in total assets under management. Communicated with sell-side analysts and company management. Assessed economic trends. Selected and monitored investments in bonds, banks, automotives, and biotech.
University of Texas, Houston, TX
M.B.A., Finance, June 1996
University of Illinois, Chicago, IL
B.S., Accounting, June 1990