
Bódi Sylvi falatnyi bikiniben kergette a vízeséseket

A szörfözésért rajongó modell egzotikus vakációján egy egészen különleges, és vélhetően igen látványos túrán vett részt, amiből egy kis ízelítőt is mutatott Instagramján. Bódi Sylvi ugyanis vízeséstől vízesésig kalandozott, és beszámolója szerint az út nagyrészét mezítláb tette meg, ahogy írja azért, hogy minél közelebb érezhesse magát a természethez.

Talán éppen ebből az okból vett magára minél apróbb bikinit is, amiben aztán lazán elnyúlva mutatta meg tangás popsiját gyönyörködött a természet csodájában.

Lying here loosely and admiring this beauty doesn’t show the effort I had to make to get here to see it… I decided to go for an adventure again, and did a 6 hours hike in the jungle. Six waterfall hike was the name of the mission. It was phenomenal!! No, this was not like walking on velvet. It was a pretty intense hike. Your body will be sore next day, guaranteed. But it is worth it!!! I love the raw power and beauty of the waterfalls, and all of them were amazing in their own ways. We were taking small paths in the dense jungle, going up and down on steep mountains to discover the 6 different waterfalls. There were times – actually most of the time – when we had to climb, crawl on slippery rocks and swim in rivers to reach the desired destination. The major part of the hike I did barefoot. First of all, my training shoes got ruined and I lost the sole of them. Secondly, I wanted to be as connected to Mother Nature as it was possible. On the way back I body rafted in the river from the 6th waterfall all the way to the 4th. It was so much fun!!! And I hit my butt once only! That was the real “go with the flow” feeling! Walking on these tiny jungle trails was like cruising in the Garden of Eden. Lush vegetation, colourful flowers with amazing smell, singing tropical birds, mesmerizing butterflies… Lifetime experience. #Pohnpei #Waterfall #Hike #SixWaterfalls #Jungle #Trunk #Nature #TropicalParadise #Fsm #Micronesia #SylviBodi @cliff_swimwear

Sylvi Bódi (@sylvibodi) által közzétett fénykép, 2016. Dec 20., 04:05 PST

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