
28 évesen halt meg a transznemű aktivista

Camila Maria Concepción több Netflix-sorozaton is dolgozott íróként.

A latin-amerikai származású Camila Maria Concepción múlt héten lett öngyilkos – írta meg a Variety a kaliforniai író-színésznő-aktivistát képviselő ügynökségre hivatkozva. Concepción az utóbbi időben két Netflix-sorozat, a latino fiatalok életéről szóló Gentefield, és a zombis Daybreak írócsapatában dolgozott, és kollégái szerint ígéretes jövő állt volna előtte. Aktivistaként gyakran kiállt az igazságosabb és sokszínűbb filmiparért. A Netflix gyászközleményében ki is emelte, hogy Concepción elkötelezetten harcolt a nemi egyenlőségért a kamerák előtt és mögött is. Sok munkatársa, többek között a Gentefieldet létrehozó alkotópáros – Marvin Lemus és Linda Yvette Chávez – a közösségi médiában búcsúznak tőle:

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Camila, mi amor, I can't seem to write these words without bursting into tears. I can't believe I'm writing these words at all. Because you're supposed to be here, Camila. You were supposed to be there Thursday and you weren't. And I texted you because I was worried. Because you were missing. A big part of this dream was missing and i should have known… I should have listened to that voice inside that said something was wrong… My love, you were brilliant. You were powerful. You were a creator Marvin and I were ready to champion to the ends of the earth. The first time you sat in that room with us a year and a half ago you were magnetic. You told story like you were spinning cotton candy. The sweetness enveloping the jagged edges of a woman looking to heal. My girl from El Monte who went to Yale who loved her girl from Norwalk who went to Stanford. And we trauma-bonded over being the only ones in a sea of whiteness. Over leaving our hoods and doing better and doing right by our mamis. You were an angel God sent me. I'll never forget the first text you sent me filled with so much love, respect, and adoration. You said you looked up to me but in words that felt like they were coming from the universe itself because you always seemed to send them when I needed them most. When I was struggling with making the show and was having a hard time believing in myself. You were this angel that would pop into my messages or into my office and say exactly what I needed to hear… and did I ever thank you for that? I thought I did but now I can't remember. And fuck I hope I did. You were a light. A brilliant light that struggled to shine in the midst of the darkness in this world. But I saw you, girl. I fucking saw you from the moment I laid eyes on you. I knew you were fucking magic and I wanted the world to devour your magnificence the way you deserved. Baby, you were going to have a show on HBO. I needed that show. I needed your voice. Your story. Your wisdom. Your fucking fierce wit and fearless IDGAF fervor. You should be here.

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