
LABOR MARKET – Wage harmonization

Between January and September an average of 2 million 691 thousand people were employed by businesses with at least 5 employees and by public and national welfare institutions – 1 percent more than during the same period of the previous year. Employment went up in the private sphere, while it somewhat decreased in public institutions.

The earnings of full-time employees was 16,2 percent higher than in the base period. Earnings went up by 15,2 percent in the private sector, while in public areas the growth was 18,2 percent. The gross nominal average pay of full-time employees was 73,44 thousand HUF. Private sector employees made an average of 74,25 thousand HUF, public employees 71,67 thousand HUF. The net average pay of full-time employees went up 12,5 percent. During the first nine months of the year, on a year to year basis, the gross Hungarian average income rose by 16,2 percent to 73,4 thousand HUF, with net income increasing by 12,5 percent to 48,1 thousand HUF. Thus real earnings were 2,5 percent higher than during the same period of the previous year. Average gross wages increased 3 percent less in the private than in the public sphere. As a result of the faster increase of their wages the average net earnings of public employees is now only 743 HUF behind that of the private sphere – however, statistics only register contractual wages.

For the entire year real, earnings will go up about 3 percent, which compared to an approximately 4 percent GDP growth is not exactly low. –

EMRI ZSUZSANNA, az Audi Hungária Motor Kft. humánerőforrás igazgatója: “Nyugat-Magyarországon már egyre nehezebb felsőfokú végzettségű, jó nyelvtudással rendelkező szakembereket találni. De nemcsak Győr, Székesfehérvár és Budapest környékén van munkahely-túlkínálat, hanem már Jászberényben és Kecskeméten is hasonló helyzet kezd kialakulni egyes szakmáknál. Az átlagos munkanélküliség egy ideig még csökkeni fog. A keleti régiókban probléma, hogy a munkaerő nem mindig képzett megfelelően. A nyelvoktatás színvonala még nem éri el a kívánt szintet, pedig már minden szakembernek tudnia kell idegen nyelveket.”

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