
Business Letter – Part II

To help you with your writing, here are some useful phrases for this month. If you cannot find what you’re looking for, feel free to use the Forum or the Ask About? sections.

Useful phrases


  • Dear Mr Smith/Ms Taylor,
  • Dear Sir(/Madam),
  • Dear Sirs (if addressing a department)
  • Dear Sir or Madam,
  • Gentlemen,

To start:

  • We are writing to inform you that
  • I am contacting you for the following reason.
  • I would be interested in (obtaining/receiving)

To refer to a previous contact:

  • Thank you for contacting us.
  • In reply to your request…
  • Thank you for your letter regarding…
  • With reference to our telephone conversation yesterday…

To make a request:

  • We would appreciate if you (would)…
  • I would be grateful if you could…
  • Could you possibly send me…

Good news:

  • We are pleased to announce/inform you that…

Bad news:

  • We regret to inform you that…

Making a complaint:

  • I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with…
  • I am writing to complain about…


  • We are sorry for the delay in replying…
  • I regret any inconvenience caused…


  • Thank you for your quotation of…
  • We are pleased to place an order with your company for…


  • Please send us your price list.
  • You will find enclosed our most recent catalogue and price list.
  • Please note that our prices are subject to change without notice.

Referring to payment:

  • According to our records…
  • Please send payment/make the payment as soon as possible.
  • You will receive a credit note for the sum of…

Enclosing documents:

  • I am enclosing…
  • Please find enclosed…


  • If we can be of any further assistance, please let us know…
  • If I can help in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me…
  • For further details/information…
  • Thank you for your help.

Referring to future contact:

  • Looking forward to hearing from you…
  • I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience.


  • (Yours) sincerely, – (for all customers/clients)
  • (Yours) Faithfully – (if you know the addressee)
  • Regards/Kind regards – (if you know the addressee and have a working relationship with them)

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