
Hangzószövegértés 1-10.

1.0 APPROPRIATE – helyénvaló/illő/megfelelő /

1.1 He considered it entirely appropriate to be awarded the Nobel prize.

2.0 VALID – érvényes (alapos/ indokolt)

2.1 This is a perfectly valid question to raise.

3.0 ADMIT – felvesz (intézménybe) / (bevall/elismer)

3.1 During the investigation the ex-financial director frankly admitted that he had taken bribes.

4.0 PUN – szóvicc

4.1 Being in politics is like playing golf: you are trapped in one bad lie after another.

5.0 ASSURE – biztosít, meggyőz

5.1 He hastened to assure that everything possible is being done.

6.0 EXPIRE – letelik/lejár, kilélegzik/kialszik

6.1 Their contract is due to expire next month.

7.0 MATURE – érett, megérik/megérlel/megfontolt

7.1 Our plans have gradually become mature.

8.0 EXPENSE – költség/kiadás, kár/teher

8.1 You have to meet the expense yourself.

9.0 DEADLINE – határidő

9.1 The March deadline for their project passed.

10.0 DISCIPLINE – fegyelem, fegyelmez/fegyelmezés

10.1 The economy was stabilized through strict fiscal discipline.

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