
Beijing 2008: the most successful Olympics for Team GB in a century

All Britons had been waiting for Beijing 2008 with great expectations for a number of reasons. Human rights and freedom activists were interested to see how China would guarantee civil liberties including protests, freedom of speech and uncensored media coverage. Greens were concerned whether Beijing would be able to deliver its promise on air quality by taking a million cars off the roads and shutting down large, heavily-polluting plants a week before the games were due to commence. The organizing committee of London 2012 were curious to see how high the Chinese would set the bar.

The spectacular ceremony marking the opening of the Olympic games presented a dramatic display of fireworks, music and the performance of 10,000 dancers. The choreographed show took seven years to plan and practise. It started at eight minutes past eight on the evening of 8 August 2008, reflecting the wide-spread Asian belief that eight is a lucky number. The opening was concluded by champion gymnast Li Ning running around the rim of the Bird’s Nest stadium to light the Olympic cauldron with the torch.

(Source: MTI)

(Source: MTI)

Cycling, swimming, sailing, athletics, rowing and canoeing were among the most successful branches of sport. Team GB earned the prestigious fourth place in the overall medals table with 19 golds, 13 silvers and 15 bronzes. The Boeing 747 which carried home the best-performing Olympic team since 1908 was specially renamed ‘Pride’ and its nose cone got a golden touch in honour of the success of Team GB. Lord Moynihan, chairman of the British Olympic Association, praised the team for their talent and spirit.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Olympics Minister Tessa Jowell were awaiting Team GB at London’s Heathrow Airport with excitement. With Beijing 2008 finished, London became the official host city of the next Olympics, but this did not deter the athletes from enjoying their moment and celebrating their success.


  • civil liberties – polgári szabadságjogok
  • freedom of speech – szólásszabadság
  • to commence – elkezdődik
  • spectacular – színpompás
  • display of fireworks – tűzijáték
  • wide-spread – széles körben elterjedt, általános
  • gymnast – tornász
  • cauldron – olimpiai tűz katlanja
  • torch – fáklya
  • nose cone – repülőgép orra
  • talent – tehetség
  • to deter sy from doing sg – eltántorít vkit vmitől

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