“The data exchange agreement enables American authorities to check whether a fingerprint figures in the database of the Hungarian authorities. However, that database also includes the fingerprints of people without a criminal record,” the presidential office reasoned.
According to American officials and the Hungarian Ministry of Justice, the presidential veto is unlikely to interrupt the process that would allow Hungarian nationals to travel visa-free to the United States, starting in about a months’ time.
“Obligation to provide fingerprint data does not concern average travellers; the fingerprint database is consulted only when terrorist activity is suspected,” spokesman Jan Krc said to Hungarian internet site Index.
Krc expressed hope that overriding Sólyom’s veto, Parliament would adopt the last agreement necessary for the visa waiver to enter into effect shortly.
According to the infamous data exchange agreement, signed on October 1 and endorsed by five-party consensus in Hungarian Parliament on October 14, the authorities of Hungary and the United States (US) will exchange information on the DNA and fingerprints of criminals.
US President George W. Bush announced last Friday that citizens of Hungary would enjoy visa-free travel to the US under the Visa Waiver Program.
- bill – törvénytervezet
- data protection concerns – adatvédelmi fenntartások, aggályok
- data exchange agreement – adatcsere-egyezmény
- to figure in – szerepel vmiben
- to have a criminal record – priusza van
- to interrupt the process – folyamatot megszakít
- to override a veto – vétót figyelmen kívül hagy
- visa waiver – vízummentes utazás joga
- to enter into effect – hatályba lép
- infamous – hírhedt
- to endorse – támogat