
4. Középhaladó (intermediate II.) – 1. hét – Feladat

Nyelvtan Feladat Megoldás

1. Fill-in-the-gaps

Tegye a zárójelbe tett igéket a
megfelelő alakba! Használjon jelen időt!

Peter…………….(travel) to the United States

On my way to work I
usually…………….(meet) many children who……….(go) to school.

Look, a
woman……………(run) after the bus. She ………….(want) to catch it.

The sun………….(warm) the air and
………….(give) us light.

What………….you…………..(read) when you are
on holiday? I………..(read) detective stories. Now I…………..(read) The Shut Door by
Ivory Lock.

2. One line one

Keresse meg és javítsa ki az
alábbi hibákat, amennyiben szükséges.



1st conversation


A: I can see, that you wear your
best clothes. Are you going to the theater?


B: No, I don’t go to the theater.
I go to a wedding party.


A: And who is the poor man who
throws away his freedom?


You must tell him I am feeling sorry for

2nd conversation


A: What song does she sing


B: Eve sings a song by Mozart, she
sings it very well.

3rd conversation


A: Are you understanding the
exercise now?


B: I explain it to Peter at the
moment and

I am thinking that I know how to do it.

3. Multiple Choice

Válassza ki a helyes

Jim…………… apple. He does not like

A: isn’t wanting

C: don’t want

B: doesn’t want

D: aren’t want

We………………..the party. Eve has
organized it very well.

A: are enjoying

B: don’t enjoy

C: enjoy

D: doesn’t enjoy

I understand you but I …………………with

A: am not agreeing

B: am agreeing

C: agree

D: don’t agree

Do you think that Vanessa…………………well?
She has played the piano for 9 years.

A: plays

B: is playing

C: play

D: are playing

I…………you. You are lying.

A: am not believing

B: don’t believe

C: believe

D: am believing

6. They ……………….the car costs a lot of
money but they want to buy it.

A: are knowing

B: knowing

C: know

D: knows

7.I am sorry. I…………the right

A: am not knowing

B: is not knowing

C: knows

D: don’t know

8. She listens to French songs but
she………….what the meaning is.

A: doesn’t understand

B: isn’t understanding

C: understand

D: understands

4. Understanding

Jack is a
gardener. He starts his work early in the morning. In summer he usually leaves
home about 5.30 in the morning, but in winter not until about 8.00. He has a
small van and he carries all his tools and equipment in that. Now it is autumn
so he’s tidying the gardens – he’s picking up leaves and pulling up old summer
flowers. He is also planting bulbs. He is planting lots of daffodils and tulips.
It is not surprising. Although he lives in England he is originally from the

After work he
always goes home and relaxes in a hot bath. He has a flat in London but most of
his work is outside of the capital, in the suburbs. He is not married, he lives
with his girlfriend who is a graphic designer.

Egészítse ki a szöveget a
megfelelő szavakkal!

In summer I usually ………. home about
5.30 in the morning.

I ………. a small van and I carry all my
tools and equipment in that.

It is autumn now so I……………. the
gardens and …………… leaves.

I ……………….. lots of
daffodils and tulips.

After work I……………….. home and ……………
in a hot bath.


Párosítsa az alábbi szavakat a

A) van

1. outside of the city

B) equipment

2. take it out from the soil

C) bulb

3. profession, he/she plans layouts

D) daffodil

4. small lorry

E) capital

5. people use them to work with

F) suburb

6. a yellow flower

G) designer

7. part of a plant

H) pull up

8. the main city of a

Nyelvtan Feladat Megoldás

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