Kultúra koronavírus

A dán Roskilde fesztivál is elmarad a koronavírus miatt

Újabb fesztivált töröltek a koronavírus-járvány miatt. A dán Roskilde fesztivált június 2. és július 4. között rendezték volna meg, de a szervezők hétfőn az Instagramon közölték a hírt, hogy az elmarad. Közleményükben azt írják, a dán hatóságok augusztus 31-ig meghosszabbították a tömegrendezvények tilalmát. Bár nagyon csalódottak, ugyanakkor azt írják, a COVID-19 vírussal való fertőzés kockázata túlságosan nagy, amikor sok ember gyűlik össze, és ez a szempont messze a legfontosabb.

A fesztiválon, melyet idén rendeztek volna meg ötvenedik alkalommal, olyan előadók léptek volna fel, mint Taylor Swift, Kendrick Lamar, a Faith No More, a Strokes vagy a Deftones.


A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon


A sad message. There will be no Roskilde Festival this summer. It is with a heavy heart that we’re writing this. The Danish authorities have just prolonged its prohibition against larger assemblies until August 31st. The prohibition also goes for this year’s Roskilde Festival. Though we feared it would happen, we kept the hope high that it wouldn’t end this way. However, the risk of getting infected with the COVID-19 virus is too large when many people are gathered, and that consideration is by far the most important. Roskilde Festival no. 50 was meant to be something very special. We were looking forward to celebrating it with you. We have worked hard and made an extraordinary effort. We know that your expectations have been sky high too. Together we have crossed our fingers and held our breaths in the hope that the situation would change for the better and in due time for us to meet this summer. Unfortunately, that wasn’t supposed to happen after all. Roskilde Festival no. 50 must now wait until 2021. If you have bought a ticket for the festival in 2020, you will be able to transfer it to Roskilde Festival 2021. Should you not wish to transfer your ticket can be reimbursed. We will get back to you about the specific conditions regarding both transfer and reimbursement, as soon as the solution is ready. We kindly ask for your understanding regarding this. But most of all we ask for your support. You can make a huge difference for us by saying yes to being part of Roskilde Festival already now. By that, you will help secure the very foundation of the festival and get us through the difficult times that we are now facing. Right now, we need to recover from the news. Then we will back. Thank you for your support and love. Take good care of yourselves and each other. More info: http://roskil.de/eiCXz

Roskilde Festival (@roskildefestival) által megosztott bejegyzés, Ápr 6., 2020, időpont: 12:04 (PDT időzóna szerint)


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