
6. Felsőfokú (advanced) – 6. hét

Nyelvtani összefoglaló – Grammar


Nyomatékosítás fejezhető
ki a következő szavakkal:

own (for possessive

‘I have my own way of doing things.’

so, such, really,

It was just wonderful.

Thank you so much.

It was such a beautiful car.

I really enjoyed it.

very, indeed

We were born on the very same day.

It’s very cold indeed.

Auxiliary ‘DO’ : (to emphasise

‘Do come in!’

I do like your dress.

Adverbs and Adjectives:

The game is by no means over.

He actually ate the bug alive.

We even went on a boat cruise in Turkey.

This exercise is an utter/ a sheer waste of time.

Swearwords (informal)

That’s a bloody shame.

Adding ‘ever’, ‘on earth’
or ‘hell’ to question words:

What on earth is taking you so long?

Where the hell is it?

Why ever did you think that?

Time phrases

over and over again, day in day out, day after day, time and time


I pulled and pulled until it came loose.

She’s much, much younger than her husband.


Fronting and changing the
normal positioning of words in a sentence can add emphasis also.

A coward you are!

Where he got that idea from, I don’t know.

Cleft sentences with ‘it’
and ‘ what’:

What I need is a nice cold beer!

  (I need a nice cold beer.)

It was Kirsty who came up with the idea.

  (Kirsty came up with the idea.)

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