
Indonéziában került kórházba Bódi Sylvi

A modell infúziós kezelést kapott, ám az ottani körülmények nem voltak éppen bizalomgerjesztőek.

Bódi Sylvi nemrégiben még tangában örült a tengernek, azonban vakációja hamar rossz irányt vett. A modell Instagramján számolt be kissé rémisztő kalandjáról, miszerint egy lepukkant, 18. századi állapotokat idéző kórházba kényszerült.

Sylvi ugyanis ételmérgezést kapott, emiatt pedig magas lázzal és súlyos kiszáradással kellett kórházba szállítani Sumbawa szigetén. A későn érkező mentő, a cigiző sofőr, az angolul nem beszélő kórházi személyzet, a szúnyogok, és a szelfizni akaró helybéliek ellenére azonban pár infúzió után Sylvi már jelentősen jobb állapotban távozhatott, és barátnőjével együtt – akinek nagyon hálás a segítségért – visszatérhetett a szállodájukba.

Here it goes a different type of adventure from Sumbawa: 2 days ago I got very ill, food poisoning that led to very high fever and very strong dehydration. 😞😱😤😼💀 Not even the infusion could help me 💉, so in the middle of the night Janni had to call the ambulance. 🚑 Over 1 hour later the ambulance arrived: a dude with a cigarette in his mouth driving an old-school van with the music blasting and empty of petrol… 👳🚬🔊 Not to even mention his driving style! (The infusion was making loopings everytime he tried to avoid a cow on the road). 🐮 An hour later we arrived at a place that looked like the entrance of an Indonesian McDonalds (hospital). 🏥 A rough discription of this place: no one spoke English, hot, sweaty, small, mosquito heaven, a hole in the floor as a toilet, a group of teenagers coming into the emergency station to take selfies with us (the only turists in the whole place), and a smell of fresh paint hanging in the air. The hospital equipment looked like gear you could fly to the Moon with back in the 18th century. 🚀 📡 And in the morning to our surprise the hospital stuff decided that “Silpia is hospitalized now” and we could choose between the VIP or First Class accomodation (?!) Gladly in the morning, 6 infusions later, our cool ambulance dude rescued us yet another time out of the place and, sharing the back of the “ambulance” this time with car wheels and egg shells, brought us back safely to paradise. 😂 Thanks for Janni’s support and love I survived! She took such a good care of me! 👌💊💆💗 I am so grateful for her! 🙏 She is a real friend. 👭 There were moments when we were panicing and there were moments when we were cracking up. It wasn’t easy but we made it! 💪💃 @jannihonscheid

A photo posted by @sylvibodi onApr 4, 2015 at 12:41am PDT

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