Forradalmi nyelvlecke mindenkinek

Halotta már a Nemzeti dalt angolul?On your feet now, Hungary calls you!
Kapcsolódó cikkek

Az Angliában élő költő, George Szirtes azok sorába tartozik, akik a legtöbbet tették azért, hogy a világ megismerje a magyar kultúrát, művészetet, és történelmet. A költő – műfordító Budapesten született, de 1956-ban, 8 évesen családjával külföldre menekült. A számos díjjal elismert irodalmár saját művei írása mellett, rengeteget dolgozik magyar versek angolra fordításával, többek között az övé a legjobb Nemzeti Dal fordítás is. Az 5 perc angol című oldal osztotta meg azt a felvételt, amelyiken az egyik legismertebb brit hang tulajdonosa, Spencer Cork mondja el a vers angol verzióját.


National Song

On your feet now, Hungary calls you!
Now is the moment, nothing stalls you,
Shall we be slaves or men set free
That is the question, answer me!
By all the gods of Hungary
We hereby swear,
That we the yoke of slavery
No more shall wear.

Slaves we have been to this hour,
Our forefathers who fell from power
Fell free and lived as free men will,
On land that was their own to till,
By all the gods of Hungary
We hereby swear,
That we the yoke of slavery
No more shall wear.

Whoever now his life begrudges
Deserves his death with thieves and drudges,
For setting his own worthless hide
Above his country’s need and pride.
By all the gods of Hungary
We hereby swear,
That we the yoke of slavery
No more shall wear.

The sword shines brighter than the fetters
It is the finery of our betters,
Of slaves and fetters we grow bored.
Leap to my side, ancestral sword.
By all the gods of Hungary
We hereby swear,
That we the yoke of slavery
No more shall wear.

Magyars, once more our name and story
Shall match our ancestors’ in glory
The centuries of shame and hurt
Can now be washed away like dirt.
By all the gods of Hungary
We hereby swear,
That we the yoke of slavery
No more shall wear.

And wheresoever we may perish
Grandchildren those graves shall cherish
Singing our praises in their prayers
To thank us that our names are theirs.
By all the gods of Hungary
We hereby swear,
That we the yoke of slavery
No more shall wear.