CSR Management 2007: Dialogue, Marketplace, Conference

This event explores the practical implementation of corporate social responsibility as well as the management tasks, the experience and challenges related to that. Well-known international and Hungarian speakers present latest CSR methods by showing examples, and they share with us how efficiency can be increased in companies by conscious application of CSR principles.

During the time of the conference non-governmental organisations introduce themselves on the Civil Marketplace. Participants can find out more about the activities and objectives of these organizations over coffee in an informal way.

Coffee is the courtesy of Fair Trade coffee shop, which operates in compliance with the basic principles of fair trade.

Sign up here to take part!

Palace of Arts, Budapest
November 22, 2007


9.00 Registration, coffee and welcome at the Civil Marketplace

9.30 Introduction by the Chair
Róbert Braun, Managing Partner, Braun & Partners Network (www.braunpartners.hu)

9.40-10.10 Káva – Interactive CSR-Theatre

10.10-10.40 Bruno Tuybens, CSR State Secretary, Ministry of Economy, Belgium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruno_Tuybens)

10.40-11.10 Where is CSR going?
International trends, local challenges: Mark Line, Director, csrnetwork (http://www.csrnetwork.com/person.asp?id=6) – László Radácsi, Managing Partner, B&P CSR Management (http://www.bpcsr.com)

11.10 Questions

11.20-11.35 Coffee break
In partnership with non-governmental organisations – exploring cooperation possibilities on the Civil Marketplace

The organizers of the conference are convinced that the cooperation between the players of the economy and those of non-governmental organizations may facilitate mutual understanding and the utilization of potential advantages the most efficient way. In line with that, non-governmental organizations selected in the tendering process in the summer of 2007 will have the possibility to present their activities by involving the participants of the conference and call the attention of companies to the benefits and values of jointly implemented CSR projects.

11.35-12.05 Global strategy – local implementation
Joaquim Croca, Vodafone Group CSR Director – Pál Marchhart regulatory director, Vodafone Hungary

12.05-12.15 Questions

12.15 Lunch

In partnership with non-governmental organisations – Exploring cooperation opportunities on the Civil Marketplace

13.15 Corporate partnership: case studies about cooperation

Presenting best practices of cooperation between companies and non-governmental organizations, examples for providing mutual benefits and typical conflicts.

1. Péter Küllői, Chairman of the Board, Bátor Tábor Foundation – György Leitner, GlaxoSmithKline Ltd.

2. Judit W. Müller, Directorate of Baranya County Museums – Kata Balatonyi, Head of CSR and Internal Communication, BAT Hungary

3. Rita Galambos, Chairwoman of the Board, Foundation of the Democratic Youth – Anna Simai, Director of Communication, NOKIA Hungary

14.15-15.00 Round –table discussion about making CSR reports

15.00 -15.15 Coffee-break – Exploring opportunities on the Civil Marketplace

15.15-15.45 Káva – Interactive CSR-theatre

15.45 Conclusions by the chair

Participants of the Civil Marketplace

1. Habitat for Humanity
2. Jól-Lét Public Benefit Foundation
3. Káva Cultral Workshop
4. Kék Pont Drug Consultancy Centre and Drug Ambulance Foundation
6. National Association of Consumer Protection
7. Ökotárs Foundation
8. Partners Hungary Foundation
9. Salva Vita Foundation
10. Student Service Association – Ability Park
11. WWF

Címkék: Konferenciák