Telephone English

One of the top skills that we need to develop is to communicate well on the telephone.

The way that we speak to our best friend on the phone is very different to the way we are supposed to speak to someone in a business setting. Avoiding the mistake of being too direct on the telephone is most essential. The person on the other line may think that we intend to be rude if we miss the use of formal language in certain situations. Usually “could” or “may” is necessary so that we sound polite.

Useful Phrases

There are a number of phrases and idioms that are only used when telephoning. Let’s first take a look at an example dialogue: Here are the most common:
Operator: Hello, Smith and Co., How can I help you?
Jake: This is Jake Amber. Can I have extension 1234?
Operator: Certainly, hold on a minute, I’ll put you through…

Susan: Harry Hoffman’s office, Susan speaking.
Jake: This is Jake Amber calling, is Harry in?
Susan: I’m afraid he’s out at the moment. Can I take a message?
Jake: Yes, Could you ask him to call me at 1234567890. It’s urgent.
Susan: Could you repeat the number please?
Jake: Yes, that’s 1234567890, and this is Jake Amber.
Susan: Thank you Mr Amber, I’ll make sure Harry gets this asap.
Jake: Thanks, bye.
Susan: Bye.

Useful Phrases

Introducing yourself

Asking who is on the phone

Asking for Someone

Connecting Someone

If someone is not available

Taking Messages

Címkék: Nyelvlabor: Angol